It's full of insightful tips for cooking some of the most delicious Thai food imaginable, with bright, colorful and enticing photography. The book is the personification of Nikky, full of flavor and joy.
Paula LambertAuthor and Creator of the Award-Winning Mozzarella Company
In Thai Food and Travel, Chef Nikky sets the stage for enticing dishes along incredible journeys through Thailand. A great read and even better recipes.
-- John TesarMichelin Star Chef, Author, Knife Restaurant Group
It's more than just a cookbook with exquisite full-color photos and authentic recipes, it's a journey into the vibrant world of Thai cuisine. What makes it truly exceptional is Chef Nikky’s innovative approach to timesaving.
--Sandra YanceyAward-Winning Entrepreneur, #1 Best-Selling Author, Founder/CEO of eWomenNetwork
The recipes are deceptively simple, considering the complexity of textures and flavors they produce. The recipe for Pineapple Cashew Fried Rice is worth the price of the book alone! Her new food and travel cookbook is destined to become one of the genre's classics!
Stephan PylesJames Beard Award-Winning Chef, Author and Restaurateur
Every single bite is as beautiful on the palate as it looks on the plate. A must-read that engages your imagination and satisfies your hunger.
-- June Naylor Award-Winning Journalist and Author
The ingredients for each recipe are approachable and the instructions are clear and concise, making it easy to successfully recreate the flavorful dishes. What truly sets this cookbook apart is that each recipe is accompanied by a personal story or insight into its history and cultural significance.
--Maegan BrownBest-Selling Author and Creator of The BakerMama
This book completely captures her dynamic personality, curiosity, smart entrepreneurship, and LOVE OF PEOPLE AND FOOD!! Filled with love, food, color, and life, just like Nikky herself.
Jean Hwang CarrantAuthor and Owner of Cookie Love
The photos of Thailand are gorgeous, Chef Nikky's style is irresistible, and her recipes are easy and approachable. Nikky's devoted fans will be thrilled to discover her inspiring story
Leslie BrennerJames Beard Award-Winning Journalist and Author
Every recipe I want to eat right off the page! What a journey through Thailand as you read this book along with great recipes that can be made simply right at home! Nikky cooks with heart and soul
Dean FearingAward-Winning Chef, Author, and Owner of Fearing’s Restaurant